Today while many of my friends were tackling the 14km City to Surf fun run in Sydney, I was having a lazy day. After a sleep in and late brunch followed by some writing, I realised at 2pm that I had walked an entire 925 steps. Just a little short of my 10,000 daily target.

Since the sun was shining, I decided it was time to get up off the couch and go for a walk. Since I am not really fit enough to run too far but wanted some decent exercise I decided going up a hill was a good idea, specifically Mount Taylor.

Mount Taylor is not too far from my home but I made a tactical error by accidentally taking the long way to the bottom of the mountain meaning I had walked over 2 kms by the time I even got there. It was a beautiful day and the Kangaroos were out in abundance. Usually the keep their distance or hop away as soon as you get close but there were a couple of game ones out and about today. This one in particular did not seem to be scared by someone plodding along down the path towards him or her.

When I set out from home I was determined to go all the way up to the summit. Seemed like a good idea. Getting to the top would bring awesome views and a sense of accomplishment. By the time I got to the bottom of the hill, I wasn’t so sure. Maybe I will just keep going until I reach 3kms. Or maybe I will turn around at that bend. When you are looking at a nice steep hill upwards, it can be hard to stick to the original plan and this is what I was looking at:

However, I talked myself into it and managed to get all the way to the top. There I was greeted by the expected sensational view and feeling of accomplishment at having toughed it out.

Of course the good thing about it being all uphill on the way there is the nice easy downhill on the way home.